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Hand selected by Aysha, choose your perfect plant!

Who Are We?

Here at Worklife Wellbeing we believe in wellness in all things. We believe in the power of plants, pilates and posture. We believe that we all can become healthier, happier and more confident through self-care and positivity.

We believe in you. We want to help you feel good from the inside out.

Worklife Wellbeing believes in a holistic philosophy and offers many services. From a curated plant shop to transform your space, Pilates classes to grow your inner strength and posture assessments to promote a healthier working environment. Our clients range from consumers to businesses, get in touch with us to see how we could improve your life.

What do we offer?

At Worklife Wellbeing, we offer a wide range of services including:

  • Plants
  • Pilates
  • Posture Correction/ DSE Assessment
  • Personal Styling

    We are also available to talk at your event or conference about any of the services above.

My Style

My interest and passion for all things style related go as far back as when I was a little girl. I have always been happy to break the trend and wear what feels comfortable with confidence! My aunt ignited my passion for fashion and style from her beautiful hand-me-downs and outfits that she would give to me and the clothes that she would wear and this led me to have an open mind to fashion and styling. Having many years experience of working in premium high street clothing stores for men and women whilst I was at College and University and many years of experience styling myself and my friends and family I am ready to help other people with their styling aspirations.


Reform in Style with Aysha in her calm space in central West Bridgford within a tranquil environment, working on a stronger you.

Reformer Pilates is a form of Pilates exercise that involves using a special apparatus called a Reformer. It offers a full-body workout with adjustable resistance through springs. Notable individuals like Ronaldo, Adele, and Beyonce endorse its benefits.

Reforming with Aysha will emphasize that Reformer Pilates is adaptable for all adults, genders, fitness levels, and backgrounds. We invite everyone to experience the personalized benefits of Reformer Pilates in our studio.

Tailored for those with Beginners/ intermediate skills in Reformer Pilates, the session offers personalized attention.

Prior to the lesson, you’ll complete a short questionnaire to ensure safety and suitability based on your needs.

Private Reformer Pilates sessions offer a great opportunity to build confidence, strength, and overall well-being. It’s a journey towards a stronger, happier you, and with tailored guidance and support, you can start to enjoy the process of achieving your fitness goals.


Private Reformer Pilates lesson with Aysha at her studio is priced at £45 for a 50-minute session.

One-off drop in: £45/ per session

10 Session Pack – £400 (or pro rata) to be used within a calendar month

Want to start your Pilates journey in style?

Please drop Aysha a message and let’s get you booked in, and let’s start creating a stronger journey. 

An opportunity to build confidence in your body from the inside out…So what are you waiting for? 

Message Aysha with your interest and let’s get the ball rolling and get you started as soon as it’s convenient for you.


Are you wearing your clothes or are your clothes wearing you?

 Let me help you:

Reinvent your wardrobe, get to know how you can incorporate new trends and what works best for your shape.

Dress for the job you want – Style your way to success.

New mum, new job, no new reason? Just want to freshen up your look? Let me help you feel more confident in your own clothes.


Ergonomic Workstation Assessments may be used as a way of just checking that you are sitting in the correct anatomical posture. Injuries sustained due to poor postures being adopted are called slow injuries. They are slow because the effects can build up over a prolonged period of time and can develop from chronic discomfort to acute pain.

Do you require a display Screen equipment assessment (level 1); A required DSE assessment involves a basic questionnaire to see if you meet the legal DSE requirements.

Do you require a remedial Display Screen equipment assessment (level 2); This is a more comprehensive, face to face assessment which includes an extensive written report for your records. 

Or a more complex display screen equipment assessment (level 3); An in-depth assessment aimed at those who suffer from a medical problem and require a more profound and holistic approach tailored to their specific needs, requirements and their unique history of back problems. 


During the assessment, I may take end-user measurements and photos of your workstation, prior to which we will require the end user’s written consent. This consent will also be required before the written report can be shared with your company.

I can provide a report to inform you of the best way to move forward in creating a work-friendly office space. If new equipment is required I will advise on the most appropriate products. If an upgrade to a more ergonomic chair is advisable,  I can put you in touch with top ergonomic furniture providers, that have been tried and tested. That way you can benefit from my expertise and experience tailored to your individual circumstances and put to test in your work environment.

Feeling Good at Work

Little tips with a BIG difference to help you sit comfortably: 


Arm Space

Give yourself at least 6 inches in front of the keyboard to rest your arms. 

Screen Height

Make sure the top of your screen is the same height as your eyes.. Make sure you are not looking down on your screen, this can result in severe neck and shoulder ache. 

Learn To Touch Type

Not only does it make work a lot more easier, less head and neck movement from keyboard to screen. 


Two Screens

As two screens/monitors become more popular, don’t feel obliged to have two monitors unless doing so is absolutely necessary for your work – if you do have to have two screens try place both screens so that there is very little head movement between both screens…. you don’t want to feel like you have been watching several tennis matches by the end of each working day!! 

Screen Space

Don’t have the screen too far back on the desk. Before you know it, you will be leaning over to read an important document … which is a recipe for a back ache!! 


Keyboard on Legs

Most people have their keyboard on legs … this may result in over reaching and bending wrists to reach the keys… try having it flat.


Take a Break

A 5 minute break every hour, vary your sitting time – introduce standing, walking meetings… use the kitchen/bathroom on another floor – use a sit stand desk (make sure you are using it properly if you do opt for a sit stand desk) 

Set Up Your Chair

Many people don’t take time to set up their chair properly. Look at the adjustable elements, make sure that your lumber support actually supports the small of your back and your legs are at 90 degrees. 


Time on Devices

Are you spending more than an hour on a laptop, smart phone, iPad? Do you have the correct work station set up?  Ergonomic equipment should mean the equipment is actually working for you … you are not a slave to your desk, don’t sit like you are!! 


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Your opinions are important to us. Whether it is a simple question or a valuable suggestion, we are here 24/7. You can call us by phone or email us directly.